Kids Interiors

What to expect from an Interior Design Consultation

You’ve got the budget but you do not know where to start, it’s normal for anyone to feel overwhelmed by the choices and deadlines when doing an interior space. Sometimes it helps getting a professional in to help you in the form of an interior consultation to help with some small decisions or to take over the whole project.

So what exactly can you expect when you hire an interior designer?

Firstly I will need to know what kind of room you would like to do and what your own or child’s ideas and needs are in this room. You will then need to supply me with a budget for this room, this will depend on where I source products for your design; I do not want to show you a design that will be outside of your means.

After collecting all the information and measurements of this room I will be able to start the design process. I will supply you with a mood board that we can chat about and then finalise the design and supplier list. The ordering and prepping of the room can start and within 4-6 weeks you will have an amazing new room.

What  timeline should you provide?

Always allow 10-12 weeks from start to finish and not less than 8 weeks for production of furniture and handmade items.

What is the best budget to have?

The budget you can afford. Every project and room is different. Our DIY options are great for the projects that you will do over a longer period as you do not have to make all the purchases immediately.

Can I guarantee a flaw or hiccup FREE project?

Unfortunately not, we are all dependent on contractors and suppliers but with my experience behind me I can avoid any problems as far as possible.

You can read more about our Interior Consultation options here!

Sample of Interior Consultation


All our consultation are done in a way that enables you to do the room installation yourself, but you are welcome to make use of our installation and procurement services.


I am extremely passionate about creating stylish spaces that not only promote growing and learning but spaces that grow with your child. Apart from creating gorgeous, functional spaces I love doing DIY projects and I am devoted to share tips and tricks to create a happy and healthy home for the whole family.