Disney themed room
Finally the big reveal… ALEXIA’S DISNEY THEMED ROOM. I just love how this room turned out. It reflects Alexia’s personality perfectly, gives her a place to enjoy her music, reading and drawing in a relaxing environment. In this post I will be going through the whole process of designing this room. Firstly I came up with the concept and I made a mood board with all the ideas that I could find. We were in the process of buying a new house so I did not have any type of room in mind so I could not narrow down the ideas to what will work in the specific room. Here…
Disney Themed Room – UPDATE with inspiration board
I have been keeping my eyes open for some interesting ideas for Alexia’s Disney Themed Room. This is my inspiration board so far… I must admit that it is difficult to keep my ideas in one place at a time…there are so many different characters that I would like incorporate. I am worried that if I’m not careful the room could end up looking like “Disney gone wrong” with nothing tying into each other. I like the idea of using one character with a quote on the wall tied in with the magic stars connecting them all, seen in the inspiration board. A couple of small touches like the Peter…