Love More Movement
A few weeks ago I watched a series called 13 Reasons Why on Netflix and it was such a touching and sobering show about how 13 small acts can have such a huge impact, ending in death ,on one person. It also resonated with my life and how people have treated me over the years, good or bad, and what that impact was on myself. Awful acts like Bullying is such a huge part of our education system, our kids lives and society that we have to start standing up and saying NO MORE!
Let us be the change we want to see in our schools, in our children and our world.
Just after finishing the Netflix series, I received an email from one of my fellow entrepreneur friends and colleagues, Michelle from Mayalief. She was in the process of launching a huge campaign to start the “Love More Movement”, and asked for me to be apart of this amazing project. I said yes even before I read the whole brief.
Love one another, as I love you!
Michelle has designed a range of t-shirts for this Love More Movement to act as a reminder to us all to have love and respect for all our fellow humans! Giving the gift of wisdom to our kids to spread kindness, radiate positivity, be true, be grateful, live respectfully and to finally love one another!
“In a country as diverse as South Africa – with a variety of different social structures, languages, cultures and spiritual preferences – it can be difficult to remember that peace can be promoted through the mere act of loving each other more.
It can be all too easy to focus on another person’s flaws and draw unfavourable comparisons to bolster our own confidence, rather than acknowledging and praising people’s strengths. As mums, we should raise our kids with a strong sense of self-worth; so that they may take pride in their abilities, but not at the cost of another person’s emotional turmoil. Teach your kids about the power of positive words, the power of building each other up… the power of love, to foster a peaceful people.
Growing to love one another more can be achieved through simple everyday acts: smiling at a stranger, doing a good deed and thinking through the consequences of your actions.”
La Fede Designs is also launching a new collection at Kamers Makers in Autumn featuring 4 new characters with 6 values that we can instil in our kids so of course the two amazing brands joined forces and brought their visions together.
We have 6 Values that’ll be available with – Piggy, Panda Girl, Froggie and Lion
Identity – knowing who I am and not looking for who I am in the world or in others
Equal – gender and race equality. Treating other the same as yourself
Freedom – not bound by our upbringing or our past or what has happened to us, but free to express and be who we where created to be
Worthy – to be loved and to love
Mindful – of others, their needs, their culture, their upbringing. That they may not always think the same as I do
Respect – for others and yourself
“We can teach our children that ‘M is for Monkey’ OR we can teach our children that ‘M is Mindful’ and instil in them a value that’ll change the way they look at others, act towards others and ultimately, contribute to a kinder future for them.”
So you might think, what will a simple little t-shirt do to stop bullying in schools, stop cyber bullying, stop hate speech or any kind of mean acts?
It starts with US, the mothers raising the teenagers and adults of the future!!!
As a mom we have the control AND the power to raise our kids not to become bullies, not to be mean to people and to reinforce each other. This movement is so powerful and the ONLY way to stop this kind of behaviour!
We spent an amazing and powerful day embracing the Love More Movement with Mayalief, Maddison & West Photography, La Fede Designs and Mia Mae Accessories along with fellow bloggers Mari-Louise from Just a Mama, (me)Mariette from Little Interiors, Sarah from Mascara and Mimosas, Ali from Compassion Kid and Demi from Demi Lucas Blog.
Special thank you to Michelle from Mayalief for creating this amazing campaign and to Anje from Madison And West Photography for making this campaign a masterpiece!
Join the Love More Movement!

I am extremely passionate about creating stylish spaces that not only promote growing and learning but spaces that grow with your child.
Apart from creating gorgeous, functional spaces I love doing DIY projects and I am devoted to share tips and tricks to create a happy and healthy home for the whole family.