How important a budget is when you design a room
When you get to redo a child’s room or do a brand new nursery you can get overwhelmed by what you find, and spending too much can be a reality. This is why planning and budgeting form such a crucial part of a room design. Impulse purchases can be detrimental to a budget, so try and steer clear of those.
Start with a design and then price all the items and extras like labour and tools in a spreadsheet. Then you can see what you need to bargain hunt for or completely remove. It is key to have it on paper (or pc) in one place.
Keep track of your spending, even if it is small amounts, they add up in the end.
When you go shopping always take your design and budget printout with you. You can compare prices and if you find something that you just have to have you can see if it fits into your budget or make changes on the spot.
Keeping to your decor budget means that you do not need to crunch the numbers for other things.
If this seems like it is taking all the fun out of doing a room then let a professional do it for you. Little Interiors offers a service where we help you with the design and budget and you do the rest, and nobody ever has to know.
Happy Budgeting.

I am extremely passionate about creating stylish spaces that not only promote growing and learning but spaces that grow with your child.
Apart from creating gorgeous, functional spaces I love doing DIY projects and I am devoted to share tips and tricks to create a happy and healthy home for the whole family.