Disney themed room
Finally the big reveal… ALEXIA’S DISNEY THEMED ROOM.
I just love how this room turned out. It reflects Alexia’s personality perfectly, gives her a place to enjoy her music, reading and drawing in a relaxing environment.
In this post I will be going through the whole process of designing this room.
Firstly I came up with the concept and I made a mood board with all the ideas that I could find. We were in the process of buying a new house so I did not have any type of room in mind so I could not narrow down the ideas to what will work in the specific room.
Here is the concept / mood board I did in an earlier post, nd the final board I did with all my final decisions.
My main inspiration came from the alphabet done in the Disney characters on the top of the page and I had to find a way to make it a feature in the room. I searched the internet high and low and came across these Grolier Alphabet Blocks shown bellow. The only thing was that it would take up my whole design budget to get them to South Africa, so I decided to make a similar block and have it displayed as the main art feature in the room. Ans so the search began for each character of the alphabet…
The alphabet blocks determined the colour scheme of the room and I decided to keep the curtains, walls and carpet as plain as possible to ensure that the alphabet blocks gets the attention that it deserves.
At this stage of the process we found a house and I was able to to measure and take photo’s of the room that I would use for the design. I already had a toddler bed, carpet and an unpainted bookshelf for the room so I had to decide what my requirements were and of course Alexia’s needs and interests had to be taken into consideration. I did a scaled plan of the room as well as the furniture that I already had to determine the position of the furniture.
Apart from what I had I needed to get something to put a nightlight and Alexia’s cd player on with some additional storage as well as some storage for all her little handbags etc, and a comfy pouf for her reading corner. I found this lovely IKEA PS Cabinet form Nevada Furniture Myflatpack.co.za …. Yes people, IKEA in South Africa, and the prices are awesome. I also got a “My Wall Easel” from Alex toys as well as a stunning storage tree from Little Interiors .. 😉 The red pouf was from Cosy Kids and I found awesome Dr. Seuss floor puzzles on sale that I framed for some additional wall art. I am aware that Dr Seuss is not part of the Disney franchise, but although Disney was the inspiration behind the room, I also love Dr. Seuss.
I used washi tape to add some colour to white cube shelving that I had from her nursery and to add a frame to the alphabet blocks’ board that looked a bit bland against the white wall.
You’ll notice that I have kept toys to the minimum in the room, I am lucky enough to have a toy room for all the clutter and her bedroom is just that.
I would eventually like to change her bed to the IKEA Extendable bed from Nevada Furniture (see picture bellow) and plaster and paint that horrible brick wall as well as the 70’s style cupboard doors.
And finally this is how it all turned out…
I am very happy to announce that this room will be featured on Pasella (SABC 2) at the beginning of April. Watch the video here.
Happy Decorating

I am extremely passionate about creating stylish spaces that not only promote growing and learning but spaces that grow with your child.
Apart from creating gorgeous, functional spaces I love doing DIY projects and I am devoted to share tips and tricks to create a happy and healthy home for the whole family.