Become a #LittleBubBrandrep
Little Interiors and Bub Hub & Co Broad Acres are looking for a 1 brand rep in the Johannesburg area and 2 brand enthusiast countrywide (South Africa only). The brand rep will receive some #LittleME high contrast dangles with the frame AND a baby massage course from Bub Hub Broad Acres. The brand enthusiasts will be required to buy a frame and will receive a huge discount on the dangles from the Little Interiors online shop.
What do we require from you:
1. Some high quality, awesome photo’s while using the dangles, frame and while attending the course. These will be available to the brands to post on social media.
2. At least 1 Instagram and Facebook post per week tagging both @little.interiors and @bub_hub focussing on the benefits of the dangles and classes.
3. Your baby has to be between 4 weeks and 5 months (when entries close) and the brand rep will have to be available for the weekly massage classes. (4 weeks)
How to enter:
1. Follow @little.interiors and @bub_hub on Instagram.
2. Repost this on Instagram and use the hashtag #littlebubbrandrep #brandrepsearch telling us your baby’s age and where you are from.
3. Tag us in 3-5 awesome photo’s from your feed using the hashtag #littlebubbrandrep
4. Tag a friend in the comments of this post that you think might be interested in the search.
5. We do prefer public accounts and it will have to be public during the search to qualify.
6. Your Instagram account has to be active.
*The search ends on 18 July, the brand rep and enthusiast will be announced within 3-5 days
* The exact details and requirements will be communicated to each chosen person individually
* ? images supplied by Nestling Photography.
See the original Instagram post here.
I am extremely passionate about creating stylish spaces that not only promote growing and learning but spaces that grow with your child.
Apart from creating gorgeous, functional spaces I love doing DIY projects and I am devoted to share tips and tricks to create a happy and healthy home for the whole family.